Roxy Follow Your Heart Contest


Eligibility :
You must be 13 years of age or older as of April 15, 2008 to enter. You must be a valid United States or Canadian citizen to enter.

Timing :
Submissions will be accepted during the period starting from April 15, 2008 at 12:00:01 AM (Pacific Standard Time) and ending August 1, 2008 at 11:59:59 PM (Pacific Standard Time) (“Submission Period”).

How to Enter :
All entries must be Follow Your Heart Tour related and depict or explain how you are currently or want to Follow Your Heart and how $10,000 could help you on your path. If music is used in video it must be entrant’s original creation and not ‘borrowed’ or ‘shared’ from another artist. Videos must be no longer than 3 minutes.
You will provide a short, creative digital video program of 2-3 minutes in length (“Video Submission”) to Quiksilver that shows her goals and dreams for her future career or hobbies and explains how she would use the prize money to achieve or try to achieve those goals and dreams. Programs longer than 3 minutes will not be eligible and will not be included in the contest.

Prize (s):
GRAND PRIZE – One (1) Video Winner will be awarded the Grand Prize consisting of $10,000, which the Winner agrees she will use to work towards accomplishing her goals as described in her winning Video Submission.

VEIWERS CHOICE AWARD – One (1) Video Winner with the most video votes will be awarded the Grand Prize consisting of Roxy product. Approximate retail value $250.00 for the Second Prize