It’s Easy to Win!


What is “”?” features Live Game Shows and challenging competitions in which participants are given the chance to solve a puzzle, answer a general knowledge question, trivia question or participate in games of chance (i.e. Pick ‘Till You Win). Participants are randomly selected to interact with our hosts of the Live Game Shows and attempt to win prizes.

We also offer static Games such as an online sweepstakes and online instant win games.

Who is eligible to participate? is open to legal residents and citizens of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and where prohibited by law) who, at the time of entry, are residents of, and are physically present in the United States and who are eighteen (18) years of age or older as of the start date of the Promotion.
How and when can I participate?

How: If you eligible to participate, have signed up to become a registered user, then you are all set! Just follow the rules posted for each game.

When: You will have access to our Live Game Show schedule that is posted weekly. Hours to play will always be based on Eastern Standard Time (EST). To participate in the Live Game Shows, you’ll need to log in during the times they are offered. In order to play our live games, you must have the Java and Flash that we have outlined on the live game page. We can’t control your internet connection, so not every show will be the same for you. To play the Static Games, you can play those at any time but you are limited to two times per day per static game per email address.

“Invite Only” Live Game Shows: From time to time we will be hosting “invite only” Live Game Shows that are only open to people who have been invited from a sponsor to participate in a certain game.

How many times can I enter the static and Live Game Shows?

Static Games: You can enter up to two times per day per static game per email address. If you try to enter more than two times per day, per email per static game, you will receive a page notifying you that no further entries will be accepted for that game period.

Live Game Shows: You may enter Live Game Shows as many times as you wish, as long as you are logged in before the game is closed. Please note that Live Game Shows will always have a limit of participants that will be allowed to log in to play at one time.